The National Museum of Australia’s dynamic and curriculum-linked school programs and experiences provide awesome experiences for groups large and small.
Take a Museum educator-led program
7–12, 1 hour, $15
Experience the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius that buried Pompeii but also preserved it as a remarkable record of daily life.
7–10, 1 hour, $7
Gallery exploration of deep time, power and diversity across the Australian continent.
PACER program
5–12, 1 hour, $7
Key moments in history from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.
PACER program
3–6, 1 hour, $7
Gallery exploration of the story of the ancient and powerful Australian continent.
PACER program
K–2, 1 hour, $7
Object handling and gallery exploration to investigate how life has changed in Australia over the past 100 years.
3–10, 1 hour, $7
The life of a fascinating Australian through key objects and gallery exploration.
PACER program
5–10, 1 hour, $7
Investigate the theme of nationhood by handling objects and exploring the Museum’s galleries.
PACER program
K–10, 1 hour, $7
Handle and explore objects to help understand the ways Indigenous cultures have evolved and adapted in the past 200 years.
PACER program
9–12, 1 hour, $7
Key people involved in the struggles for rights and freedoms for Indigenous Australians and how these struggles were shaped by global trends.
PACER program
Teacher-guided visits and Kspace school bookings are no longer available.
Landmarks and the upper welcome entrance to First Australians are temporarily closed while we create a new space for more Australian stories. The rest of First Australians is open across both levels.