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Thank you for helping to keep our stories alive

Your valued donation helps the National Museum of Australia to develop and protect our collection and deliver education programs and exhibitions here and overseas.

John and Pauline Gandel.
Australian philanthropists John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC generously donated $1.5 million in a partnership with the National Museum of Australia.

Donor stories

Picture of a woman and man in front of a long dining table.
Ann and Peter Pigott at the opening night of Discovering Ancient Egypt

Peter and Ann Pigott: A legacy of passion and care

Peter and Ann Pigott’s love for Australia’s cultural and natural heritage has left an indelible mark on the National Museum of Australia. Their unwavering support and generosity have helped shape the Museum and enrich its collection for generations to come.

Peter’s influence dates back to 1975 when, as chair of the Committee of Inquiry on Museums and National Collections, he played a pivotal role in laying the foundation for the National Museum of Australia. His report – known as the ‘Pigott Report’ – highlighted the importance of preserving and sharing Australia’s many stories, a vision that continues to guide the Museum today. But his contributions didn’t stop there. Together, he and Ann have been dedicated supporters of the Museum for decades.

Their philanthropy has brought an extraordinary treasure into the Museum’s collection, a life-size bronze statue of Noongar warrior Yagan. Thanks to their generosity, this powerful sculpture has found a home where its story can be appreciated and understood by future generations. Their gift not only made the acquisition possible but also ensured its ongoing care and display – reflecting their deep commitment to honouring Australia’s diverse cultural heritage.

Beyond the Museum, Peter and Ann’s passion for conservation has helped protect one of Australia’s lesser-known native species, the endangered Parma wallaby. For more than 50 years, the Pigotts have dedicated themselves to saving these gentle creatures, creating a four-hectare sanctuary on their property in Mount Wilson. Their hands-on efforts and personal investment have played a vital role in reviving the species, a true testament to their care for Australia’s natural world.

At the heart of their conservation work is ‘Yengo’, their breathtaking historic garden in the Blue Mountains. With its century-old conifers from the Himalayas and North America, this beautifully restored sanctuary is both a piece of living history and a haven for the Parma wallabies they so lovingly protect.

Through their generosity, vision and unwavering care, Peter and Ann Pigott have shaped a legacy that will continue to inspire. Their contributions to culture and conservation have not only enriched the National Museum of Australia but have also left a profound impact on the broader community, ensuring that Australia’s stories, landscapes and wildlife are preserved for generations to come.

Exploring History: The ANARE Club’s gift to the nation

For more than 75 years, Australia has been at the forefront of modern-day scientific exploration and discovery in Antarctica through the work of the Australian Antarctic Program (formerly ANARE – the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions). Central to this legacy has been the ANARE Club, a vibrant community of men and women expeditioners who share a passion for the icy continent and its unique role in understanding our planet.

Expedition pennant

In 2024, the ANARE Club donated a significant piece of its history to the National Museum of Australia – a carefully preserved expedition pennant. Once a symbol of camaraderie and adventure, the pennant now serves as a tangible connection to Australia’s rich Antarctic heritage. Today, the annual expeditioner teams still refer to their terms of service spent at our Australian bases of Mawson, Davis and Casey, and sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island using the old reference system, as in Bob Smith, the Xth ANARE.

Supporting the National Antarctic Heritage Collection

The Club’s commitment to preserving history did not stop with the pennant donation. Rallying their members across the country, the Club raised an impressive $6,200 to support the Museum in caring for and curating the pennant, as well as enhancing the broader Antarctic collection, known as the National Antarctic Heritage Collection. This act of generosity ensures these stories will inspire generations to come.

They also contribute to ongoing efforts to safeguard artefacts that tell the stories of the brave expeditioners who ventured south in the name of science. The pennant, alongside other treasures in the Museum’s Antarctic collection, is a testament to Australia’s enduring connection to the icy frontier.

This collaboration between the ANARE Club and the National Museum exemplifies the power of community-driven philanthropy in preserving national heritage.

Donor levels

The National Museum welcomes all donations and donors are recognised in perpetuity at these levels:

  • Perpetual Governor: gifts of $1 million and above
  • Life Governor: gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
  • Governor Gifts: gifts of $100,000 to $499,999
  • Major Benefactor: gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
  • Benefactor: gifts of $10,000 to $49,999
  • Fellow: gifts of $5000 to $9999
  • Patron: gifts of $1000 to $4999
  • Supporter: gifts up to $999

Donor recognition

The National Museum acknowledges and thanks all donors for their support. Donors are listed in our annual reports and on the Museum‘s website and the Australian Government Transparency Portal:

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