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Creating an Australian bush garden

Donations to our 2018 Annual Appeal helped the Museum to acquire plantings for our native garden, a central feature in our newly redesigned Forecourt.

The gardens are transforming the Museum entrance, creating a bush garden filled with eucalypts, seasonal floral displays, shaded seating and a welcome to Country from the land’s traditional owners. We would like to thank our generous donors, including those who chose to remain anonymous.

The new design includes The People's Walk, where families can have their name or that of a loved one etched into a bluestone paver near the entrance.

Forecourt and gardens at the National Museum of Australia.
Christina and Trevor Kennedy Garden, National Museum of Australia

Thank you

We gratefully thank these donors who supported our 2018 Creating an Australian bush garden appeal.

Doris Amesbury, Elaine Andersen, Bernadette Barnett, Nerida Barges, Graeme and Linda Beveridge, Linda Birzenieks, Nicole Bright, JE Brown, Steven Cremer, Sarah Davies, Irene Durant, Geoff Farrell, Stephen Gallacher, John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC, Elizabeth Grant AM, Elizabeth Halfnights, Catherine Harris, Leonie Hunt, Dr Anthea Hyslop, Margaret Kalms, Dr Joan Kitchin, Ann Lancaster, Rob Lundie, Ben and Marina Maguire, John Mann, Dr Betty Meehan, Michael Moreing, Ruth Morschel, Neil Munro, Jenny Myers, Dr Anthony Nicholls, LW Ovington, Mark Parkinson, Anna Prosser, Kate Roediger, Helen and Alan Rose, Jennifer Rowland, Rev Garth Shaw, Linda Shaw, Barbara Slotemaker de Bruine, Dr Annette Thomas, Barbara Wallace, Ian Wilkey, Leonard Wise, Maitland Wheeler, Treviris Holdings

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