Discovering Cook's collections
A symposium held at the National Museum of Australia during the Cook's Pacific Encounters exhibition. Downloads of audio, information about the speakers and links to transcripts are available on the National Museum of Australia website.
For an overview of the symposium go to 'Captain James Cook audio series'
Encounters with wondrous things
Encounters with wondrous things: the historical significance of the Cook-Forster Collection, Paul Turnbull, Professor of History and Head of the School of Arts, Media and Culture, Griffith University, Brisbane.
Georg Forster and the image of Captain Cook
Discovering Cook: Georg Forster and the image of Captain Cook, Nigel Erskine, Curator of Exploration, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney.
To attempt some new discoveries
To attempt some new discoveries in that vast unknown tract, Adrienne Kaeppler, Curator of Oceanic Ethnology, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC.
Looking across the beach
Looking across the beach: both ways, Greg Dening, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University, Canberra.
Footprints in the sand
Footprints in the sand: Banks' Maori Collection, Cook's first voyage 1768-1771, Paul Tapsell, Director, Maori - Tumuaki Maori, Auckland War Memorial Museum, Auckland.
Cook, his mission and Indigenous Australia
Cook, his mission and Indigenous Australia: a perspective on consequence, Doreen Mellor, Director of Development, National Library of Australia, Canberra.
Brushed with fame
Brushed with fame: museological investments in the Cook voyage collections, Lissant Bolton, Section Head, Oceania Department, British Museum, London.