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Portrait of Jukuja Nora Tjookootja. - click to view larger image

born about 1940, Wangkajunga language group, Nyapajay skin group, Wangkatjungka community, Ngurra Artists

Jukuja was born at Piparr. Her mother worked as a cook with drovers on the stock route.

Her father took her to Billiluna, where she was promised to her husband, Donkeyman Benny, from whom she learned the songs and stories for Kaningarra (Well 48), the site for which he was the last senior custodian.

Today, Jukuja is one of the senior singers for this Country.

A red-brown wooden concave oval container with dark patches on the sides of the outer surface. The inner surface is rough with the tool marks and there are short parallel grooves along one end of the inner surface. The outer sides are a light beige colour.

Ngurti (coolamon) by Kuji Rosie Goodjie and Nora Tjookootja

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