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Discover objects large and small in our Gandel Atrium. This stunning architectural space includes highlights from our collection and new acquisitions. It is also the gateway to our Cafe and Shop.

On display

Pink Propert caravan

The pink Propert ‘Trailaway’ caravan continues to delight visitors.

Molly Goodall FJ Holden

The FJ Holden is one of Australia’s most recognisable cultural artefacts of the 1950s.

Model of a large dinosaur skeleton on display in the Atrium of the National Museum of Australia. - click to view larger image

About the Gandel Atrium

The Gandel Atrium is named in recognition of the generosity of esteemed Australian philanthropists John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC. In 2018 the Gandel Foundation generously contributed a $1.5 million gift to the National Museum. This was the largest philanthropic gift the Museum had received and it was the first time the Museum instituted naming rights in acknowledgement of a gift.

The gift supported the launch of Australia’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom, which has since become a world-class digital education resource for teachers and students.

Multicoloured bogong moth sculpture hanging from the ceiling.
Bogong Moth by Reko Rennie
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