See extraordinary works and hear the voices of Australia’s first peoples in Talking Blak to History. This exhibition in First Australians, on the lower ground floor, features powerful objects that speak to the aftermath of colonisation and explore issues including land rights, sovereignty, the Stolen Generations and deaths in custody.
Join curator Margo Neale for a highlights tour of the Talking Blak exhibition.
Exhibition highlights
Talking Blak reveals feelings about attachment to Country and the loss and grief brought about by colonisation. It tells stories of survival and resilience, and of overcoming grief through endurance, reconciliation and truth-telling.
The exhibition includes works by artists including Gordon Syron, Queenie McKenzie, Michael Cook, Dick Roughsey, Bill Onus, Fiona Foley, Julie Gough, Vernon Ah Kee, Gordon Hookey, Yondee (Shane Hansen), Adam Hill and Kevin Gilbert.
Long Journey Home: Repatriation symposium 07 May 2018
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences

Main banner image (detail): Renault Twingo decorated with Balarinji Wunala Dreaming design, made 1993, painted 1994, John Moriarty and Frank Lee. National Museum of Australia