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Watch films about Killalpaninna, Dieri country, history, cultural identity and museums.

A Dieri Dreaming story 7:36

Willie Dawson, Dieri

Speaking the Dieri language 0:42

Aunty Renee Warren, Dieri Elder

Deep connections to Dieri country 1:31

Shirley Waye-Hill, Dieri

Creating new words in the Dieri language 1:17

Robert Waye-Hill, Dieri

Reviving the Dieri language 3:03

Patricia Waye-Hill, Dieri

Visiting my ancestors’ objects 2:51

Chris Dodd, Dieri

Dieri objects in the National Museum of Australia 1:06

Barbara Vale, Dieri Elder and Mardi Vale, Dieri

Wild peaches 0:47

Skye Miklavek, Dieri

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