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This further reading list, compiled in 2008, is partly annotated and includes all of Dr Herbert Basedow's known academic works, as well as a selection of popular newspaper and magazine articles. Some relevant works by other writers are also included.

The exhibition catalogue for A Different Time, published by the National Museum of Australia Press in 2008, is out of print.

Basedow, H, 'On the occurrence of Miocene limestones at Edithburgh, and their stratigraphical relationship to the Eocene of Wool Bay with description of a new species by Professor R Tate', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 25 (2), 1901, pp. 145–148. 

Basedow, H, 'Descriptions of new species of fossil Mollusca from the Miocene limestone near Edithburgh (including notes by the late Professor Ralph Tate)', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 26 (2), 1902, pp. 130–132.

Basedow, H, 'A brief note on the occurrence of a raised beach on Hindmarsh Island, South Australia', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 26 (2), 1902, pp. 324–325. [Summary of a paper read at the ordinary meeting of the Royal Society of South Australia, 6 May 1902.]

Basedow, H, 'Anthropological notes made on the South Australian Government North-West Prospecting Expedition, 1903', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 28 (3), 1904, pp. 12–51.

Basedow, H, 'Note on tertiary exposures in the Happy Valley District, with descriptions of a new species of septifer', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 28 (3), 1904, pp. 248–252.

Basedow, H, 'On naticoid genera Lamellaria and Caledoniella from South Australia', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 29, 1905, pp. 181–186.

Basedow, H, 'Geological report on the country traversed by the South Australian Government North-West Prospecting Expedition, 1903', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 29, 1905, pp. 57–102.

Basedow, H, 'Sources of central Australian water supply', Proceedings of the Adelaide University Scientific Society, 1906, pp. 3–11.

Basedow, H, 'Primitive methods of Chinese mining', in Brown, HYL et al., Northern Territory of South Australia, North-Western District. Reports (Geological and General) resulting from the explorations Made by the Government Geologist and Staff During 1905: Proceedings of the Parliament of South Australia, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1905.

Basedow, H, 'Early days of mining in the Northern Territory', in Brown, HYL et al., Northern Territory of South Australia, North-Western District. Reports (Geological and General) Resulting from the explorations Made by the Government Geologist and Staff During 1905, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1905.

Basedow, H, Catalogue of Minerals in the Technological Museum of the South Australian School of Mines and Industries, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1907, pp. 200.

Basedow, H, 'Anthropological notes on the western coastal tribes of the northern territory of South Australia', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 31, 1907, pp. 1–62.

Basedow, H, 'Felsgravierungen hohen Alters in Zentral-Australien', Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, vol. 39, 1907, pp. 707–717.

Basedow, H, 'Vergleichende Vokabularien der Aluridja-und Arrundta Dialekte Zentral-Australiens', Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, vol. 40, 1908, pp. 207–228.

Basedow, H, 'Beitrag zur Entstehung der Stilisierungsornamente der Eingeborenen Australiens', Archiv fur Anthropologie, vol. 2 (2 and 3 ns), 1908, pp. 217–220.

Basedow, H, 'Beitrage Zur Kenntnis Der Geologie Australiens', Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 2, 1909, pp. 306–379. [This article is an extended version of Basedow's PhD thesis from the University of Breslau, 1908. The National Library of Australia holds the printed dissertation version which differs from the published paper in that it has the dissertation title page, the following page has referee details, followed by reprint details, pp. 306–353 (which in the published version comprises part one of a longer article) and finally the Lebenslauf of three pages.]

Basedow, H, 'Kritische Bemerkungen zur Dr Noetlings Erklarungsversuch der Warrnambool-Spuren', Centrallblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, vol. 16, 1909, pp. 495–499.

Basedow, H, 'Der Tasmanierschadel, ein Insulartypus', Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, vol. 1, 1910, pp. 175–227.

Basedow, H, Beitrage Zur Kenntnis Der Anthropologie Australiens, Inaugural-Dissertations zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde in der Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburtshilfe der Hohen Medizinischen Fakultat der Georg Augustus-Universitat zu Gottingen, University of Gottingen, Berlin, 1910.

Basedow, H, 'Report on recent development in economic geology', Special Intelligence Bulletin No. 17, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1910.

Basedow, H, 'Extracts of reports', A Review of Mining Operations in the State of South Australia During the Half-Year Ended December 31st, 1910, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1910 (13), pp. 21–23.

Basedow, H, A Review of Mining Operations in the State of South Australia During the Half-Year Ended June 30th, 1911, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1911 (14), pp. 25–26.

Basedow, H, 'Dr Basedow's position', 1911, 4 pp. [Pamphlet dealing with Basedow's resignation as Assistant Government Geologist.]

Basedow, H, 'Burial customs in the Northern Flinders Ranges of South Australia', Man, vol. 13, 1913, pp. 49–53.

Basedow, H, 'Notes on the natives of Bathurst Island, north Australia', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 43, 1913, pp. 291–323.

Basedow, H, 'Journal of the Government North-West Expedition', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, vol. 15, 1914, pp. 57–242.

Basedow, H, 'Evidence of bark-canoes and food-carriers on the River Murray', Man, vol. 14, 1914, p. 129.

Basedow, H, 'Relic of the lost Tasmanian race - obituary notice of Mary Seymour', Man, vol. 14, 1914, pp. 161–162.

Basedow, H, 'Aboriginal rock carvings of great antiquity in South Australia', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 44, 1914, pp. 195–211.

Basedow, H, The Supposed Oil-bearing Areas of South Australia, Dr Wade's Report Critically Reviewed, TA Leslie, Adelaide, 1915, pp. 40.

Basedow, H, 'Petroleum in South Australia, masterly critique of Dr Wade's position, Dr Basedow points out its weaknesses', unknown publication, ?1915 [date entered on Mitchell Library reference card], pp. 8.

Basedow, H, 'Physical geography and geology of the Western Rivers' District, Northern Territory of Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, vol. 16, 1916, pp. 148–217.

Basedow, H, Oil (in) the South East: Comprehensive Reply to Mr Ward, Adelaide, 1917, 16 pp. [Reprinted from The Daily Herald, 13 and 14 March 1917.]

Basedow, H, 'Narrative of an expedition of exploration in north-western Australia', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, vol. 18, 1918, pp. 105–295.

Basedow, H, Report upon the First Medical Relief Expedition amongst the Aborigines of South Australia, State Records of South Australia, GRG 23/1 1920 144.

Basedow, H, Report upon the Second Medical Relief Expedition among the Aborigines of South Australia, State Records of South Australia, GRG 23/1 1921 87.

Basedow, H, Report upon the Third Medical Relief Expedition among the Aborigines of South Australia, State Records of South Australia, GRG 23/1 1921 330.

Basedow, H, Medical Report upon Aborigines of the Lower Northern Territory of Australia, National Archives of Australia, CRS A3 Item 22/2805 (1921).

Basedow, H, 'An anthropological chat concerning ourselves', Register, Adelaide, vol. 23, September 1920 [vol. 26, 1921, issued as reprint], pp. 4.

Basedow, H, 'Search for oil: oil reservoirs and faults', Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 4 October 1923.

Basedow, H, 'The great Australian artesian basin', Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 18 October 1923.

Basedow, H, 'The collapse of mining in South Australia: a tragedy in geology', Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 1924 (issued as reprint). [Reprinted from the Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 29 November 1923, p. 828; 6 December 1923, p. 867; 13 December 1923, p. 906; 20 December 1923, p. 942; 3 January 1924, p. 7; 10 January 1924, p. 42; 17 January 1924, p. 83; 24 January 1924, p. 137. There could be one further part.]

Basedow, H, 'Ichthyosaurus fossil at Darwin', Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 10 January 1924.

Basedow, H, 'The manufacture of brown coal briquettes', Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 1 May 1924, p. 8; May 1924, p. 688; 15 May 1924; 22 May 1924; 29 May 1924, p. 818; 5 June 1924; 12 June 1924, p. 874.

Basedow, H, 'The oil possibilities of Australia: "a tragedy in geology"', The Petroleum Times, 17 May 1924, p. 692.

Basedow, H, 'US Geological Survey officials and commercial work', letter to the editor, The Mining Journal, May or June 1924.

Basedow, H, The Australian Aboriginal, FW Preece and Sons, Adelaide, 1925.

Basedow, H, 'Slate scraping implements of the extinct Adelaide tribe', Man, vol. 25, 1925, pp. 173–176.

Basedow, H, 'Coorongite', London Mining Journal, 29 August 1925.

Basedow, H, 'How should the visiting scientist approach the primitive Australian Aboriginal? Scientific travel in Australia', part 2, in Brouwer, HA, Practical Hints to Scientific, Part 4, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1926, pp. 96–103.

Basedow, H, 'Lifting the veil from the unknown: discoveries by Mackay exploring expedition', The Mail (Adelaide), 18 September 1926 (issued as reprint), p. 4.

Basedow, H, 'Central Australian exploration', Sydney Mail, 6 October 1926, pp. 10–11.

Basedow, H, 'Evening lecture: Dr Basedow on "Primitive Australia"', S.A. Naturalist, vol.3 (1), 19 October 1926, p. 18. [Account of a general lecture on Aboriginal people.]

Basedow, H, 'Practically unknown country in central Australia - views taken on Mackay exploring expedition', Observer (Adelaide), 20 November 1926, p. 32.

Basedow, H, 'Filling blank spaces', Adelaide Chronicle, 20 November 1926, p. 40, 51. [Concerns the Mackay exploring expedition in central Australia; page 40 comprises 15 annotated notes taken by Basedow during this expedition.]

Basedow, H, 'Address in reply: speech by Dr H Basedow, member for Barossa in the House of Assembly', reprinted from Hansard, Adelaide, 10 August 1927, p. 16. [Largely concerns Parliamentary matters with some discussion on mining and Aboriginal welfare.]

Basedow, H, 'Religious instruction in state schools: speech by Dr H Basedow, member for Barossa in the House of Assembly', reprinted from Hansard, Adelaide, 31 August 1927, p. 6.

Basedow, H, 'Subincision and kindred rites of the Australian Aboriginal', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol.57, 1927, pp. 123–156.

Basedow, H, The Home, 2 July 1928, pp. 34–40. [Photographs.]

Basedow, H, 'Through unknown Arnhem Land: an account of the Mackay exploring expedition', Brisbane Courier, 15 August, 22 August, 29 August, 5 September, 12 September and 22 September 1928.

Basedow, H, 'Mackay exploring expedition in Arnhem Land 1928: Aborigines', appended to Donald Mackay's report (see below), 1928, 2 pp.

Basedow, H, 'Mackay exploring expedition in Arnhem Land 1928: geological features', appended to Donald Mackay's report (see below), 1928, 3 pp.

Basedow, H, 'Notes to accompany the map of the Mackay exploring expedition in central Australia, 1926', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, vol. 29, 1929, pp. 171–176.

Basedow, H, 'Geological report on the Petermann Ranges, central Australia', Geographical Journal, vol. 73, 1929, p. 265.

Basedow, H, 'Notes on the Aborigines and on the geology of Arnhem Land', Geographical Journal, vol. 74, 1929, pp. 572–573.

Basedow, H, 'The Song of Australia: proclamation as national song; speech by Dr H Basedow in the House of Assembly', reprinted from Hansard, Adelaide, 4 September 1929.

Basedow, H, 'Travels in wild Australia, as told to and recorded by HE Taylor', Life, 1 October 1930, pp. 315–319; 1 November 1930, pp. 407–411; 1 December 1930, pp. 518–522, 574; 1 January 1931, pp. 26–30, 86; 2 February 1931, pp. 122–126, 180; 2 March 1931, pp. 226–230; 1 April 1931, pp. 311–315 and 1 May 1931, pp. 421–425.

Basedow, H, The Possibilities of the Northern Territories of Australia, with Special Reference to Development and Migration, Billing and Sons Ltd, Guildford and Esher, 1932, 18 pp. [Address by Dr Basedow at a private meeting of the Trade and Migration Study Committee of the Empire Parliamentary Association, held on Thursday, 3 March, 1932.]

Basedow, H, 'Anthropological explorations in Australia', Man, vol. 32, 1932, p. 19. [Summary of a communication dated 30 November 1931.]

Basedow, H, 'Diseases of the Australian Aborigines', Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 35 (12), 1932, pp. 177–185; vol. 35 (13), 1932, pp. 193–198; vol. 35 (14), 1932, pp. 210–213; 1 August 1932, pp. 229–233; 15 August 1932, pp. 247–250 and vol. 35 (18), 1932, pp. 274–278, issued as consolidated reprint, 32 pp.

Basedow, H, 'The strange erotic ritual of Australian Aboriginals', in Burton, R (ed.), Venus Oceanica: anthropological studies in the sex life of the South Sea natives, Oceanic Research Pr, New York, 1935, pp. 321–362.

Basedow, H, Knights of the Boomerang, The Endeavour Press, Sydney, 1935.

Basedow, H, and Hedley, C, 'South Australian nudibranchs, and an enumeration of the known Australian species', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 29, 1905, pp. 134–160.

Basedow, H, and Iliffe, JD, 'Notes on the crush phenomena in the Cambrian rocks near Blackwood, South Australia', Report of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. 11, 1907, pp. 471–472.

Basedow, H, and Iliffe, JD, 'On a formation known as "Glacial beds of Cambrian age" in South Australia', Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 64, 1908, pp. 260–263. [Abstract only, followed by discussion of this and the preceding related paper by Walter Howchin.]

Basedow, H, 'With the vice-regal party in central Australia', Observer (Adelaide), 14 July 1923. [18 photographs taken during Sir Tom Bridge's party's expedition to the Macdonnell Ranges. Photographs taken by Dr Basedow, Murray Aunger and Laver and Lackman.]

Aunger, M, 'Into the Never-Never', The Mail (Adelaide), 7 July 1923. [Aunger's account of Sir Tom Bridges (Governor of South Australia 1922–1927) and party's expedition to the Macdonnell Ranges by car in 1923. Dr Basedow was a member of the party.]

Basedow, B, The Basedow Story: A German South Australian Heritage, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, c1990.

Bellchambers, TP, A Nature-Lover's Notebook, Lover's League, Adelaide, 1931. [Edited with a foreword by Herbert Basedow.]

Brown, HYL et al, Northern Territory of South Australia, North-Western District. Reports (Geological and General) Resulting from the explorations Made by the Government Geologist and Staff During 1905, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1905.

Clune, F, 'Exploring in Arnhem Land', Walkabout, vol. 8 (3), 1942, pp. 6–11. [An account of the 1928 Mackay exploring expedition in Arnhem Land. Three of the four photographs illustrating this article were taken during the expedition; the other (on page 7), although bearing the caption 'Arnhem Land Natives', was almost certainly taken in north-western Western Australia.]

Clune, F, Last of the Australian Explorers: The Story of Donald Mackay, Angus and Robertson Ltd, Sydney, 1942.

Clune, F, 'Adventures in Arnhem Land', in Land of my Birth: Epics of Australian Adventure, Invincible Press, Sydney, 1949, pp. 185–199. [All of Clune's works are popular accounts and include a number of inaccuracies.]

Harmstorf, I, 'Herbert Basedow (1881–1933)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Melbourne University Press, vol. 7, 1979, pp. 202–203.

Hudson, A, 'Twentieth century trailblazer', The Land Farm & Station Annual (1417), 1938, pp. 25–27 and pp. 162–163.

Idriess, I, Lasseter's Last Ride: An Epic of Central Australian Gold Discovery, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1931. [With a foreword by Herbert Basedow.]

Kaus, D, 'The documentation of still photographic collections', COMA: Bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists, vol. 12, 1983, pp. 2–17.

Kaus, D, 'Manipulation of photographs – a case study', COMA: Bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists, vol. 14, 1984, pp. 2–20. [Corrections in COMA: Bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists, vol. 15, 1984, p. 25.]

Kaus, D, 'Frank Feast's and Herbert Basedow's large record from the 1920s', Friends of the National Museum, vol. 2 (4), 1991, p. 4.

Kaus, D, 'Herbert Basedow: a man of many professions', Friends of the National Museum, vol. 14 (1), 2003, pp. 14–15.

Kaus, D, 'Australia's first anthropologist?', in Weber, T (ed.), Captivating & Curious: Celebrating the collection of the National Museum of Australia, National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra, 2005, p. 50.

Mackay, D, 'Charting the heart of Australia: being an account of the recent expedition to central Australia', The Home, 2 January 1928, pp. 14–16, 22–28, 47–48, 53 and 62. [This article is illustrated with ten photographs taken by Mackay during this expedition (the Mackay exploring expedition in central Australia) and five taken by Dr Basedow on other expeditions.]

Mackay, Donald, 'Report upon the Mackay Exploring Expedition in Arnhem Land 1928', State Library of South Australia, D 6965(L), 1928, 6 pp.

Mackay, D, 'The Mackay exploring expedition, central Australia'. Geographical Journal, vol. 73, 1929, pp. 258–264.

Mackay, D, 'An expedition in Arnhem Land in 1928', Geographical Journal, vol. 74, 1929, pp. 568–571.

Pearn, J, 'Acacias and aesculapius, Doctor Herbert Basedow (1881–1933)', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 160, 1994, p. 213.

Robertson, W, Coo-ee Talks: A Collection of Lecturettes upon Early Experiences among the Aborigines of Australia Delivered from a Wireless Broadcasting Station, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1928. [Edited with a foreword by Herbert Basedow.]

HRT, 'Exploring Australia: Donald Mackay's expedition, 1926', The New Nation Magazine, June 1928, pp. 21–22.

Wells, LA and George, FR, 'Prospecting operations', in The Musgrave, Mann, and Tomkinson Ranges, Government Printer, Adelaide, 1904.

Wright, CH, Pandanus basedowii, Kew Bulletin, 1930, p. 158.

A Different Time: The Expedition Photographs of Herbert Basedow 1903–1928


Herbert Basedow was an anthropologist, geologist and medical doctor who used photography to document his expeditions into central and northern Australia in the early decades of the twentieth century.

A Different Time: The Expedition Photographs of Herbert Basedow 1903–1928 draws on the National Museum of Australia's rich collection of Basedow's photographic work.

These revealing, sometimes confronting images provide a fascinating historical record of the people and places he encountered, and life in remote Australia in the early 1900s.

Cover image: Tidal flat off King Sound, Western Australia, 1916. Reproduction of original film negative by Herbert Basedow.

ISBN 978 1 87694 465 0
Hardback, 224 pages, 230mm x 280mm, duotone images
Published July 2008

Downloadable extracts from the publication

Warning: This publication contains some images of nudity and people in distressing circumstances. Readers should also be aware that the publication includes names and images of deceased people that may cause sadness or distress to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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