Exhibition catalogue

This catalogue recorded the British Museum objects on show in the exhibition Rome: City and Empire. These beautiful and engaging objects told the story of how Rome grew from a series of small villages to become a mighty empire.
From the tiny and personal, to grand commemorations of military power, they helped reveal how the empire was won and held, and celebrated the rich diversity of its peoples.
Included an exclusive chapter about the influence of Ancient Rome on contemporary Australia.
Publication details
ISBN 978 1 921953 33 0 (soft cover), 978 1 921953 36 1 (hard cover)
242 pages, 235 x 285 mm portrait, full colour
National Museum of Australia Press, 2018
Front cover: Portrait head thought to be of Messalina, 1805,0703.98, © The Trustees of the British Museum, 2018. All rights reserved
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