Exhibition catalogue

This must-have memento featured more than 170 of the British Museum objects on show in the exhibition Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes.
These beautiful and engaging objects told a story of the competitive spirit and intense rivalry of the Ancient Greeks, which flourished in sporting and battle arenas and inspired excellence in music and drama. They revealed how competition underpinned all aspects of Ancient Greek life, generating a vibrant and innovative society that endured in the artefacts and stories surviving today.
Featured an introductory essay by Professor Alastair Blanshard, University of Queensland, and Dr Diana Burton, Victoria University of Wellington.
Publication details
ISBN 978 1 921953 38 5 (paperback)
ISBN 978 1 921953 43 9 (hardback)
184 pages, 235 x 285 mm (portrait), full colour
National Museum of Australia Press, 2021
Cover image: Kylix (drinking cup) (detail), about 500–490 BCE. © The Trustees of the British Museum, 2021. All rights reserved
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