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  • Any use of the Collection API is subject to the website’s Conditions of Use.
  • The Collection API and textual information can be used for non-commercial purposes, under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence.
  • Only images made available in the Collection API are to be displayed alongside an object record. These images are either in the public domain, or have been released by the National Museum of Australia under a CC BY-SA 4.0. or CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. licence.  If released under a CC licence, the images may only be used in accordance with the terms of the applicable CC licence.
  • If you display images in your website or application you must use the image URL returned by our Collection API rather than create a copy on your local web server.
  • All images are to acknowledge the National Museum of Australia and cite the URL for the image so that others can also find it.
  • The National Museum of Australia has used its best endeavours to research the copyright status of images made available using the API and to exclude URLs for images of objects that have copyright restrictions from the API. Anyone who believes that the National Museum of Australia is infringing the copyright on an image can report this via
  • You must display the following text on any website or application that uses (or will use) the National Museum of Australia’s Collection API: “… was developed using the National Museum of Australia’s Collection API”.
  • All the National Museum of Australia’s Collection API content that is located on your website or application must include a link back to the location of the content on the National Museum of Australia’s website.
  • The National Museum of Australia requires free access to and a description of any websites or applications that utilise its content via the Collection API. Please email this information to
  • You may not use the National Museum of Australia’s logo on your website or application without the specific written permission of the National Museum of Australia.
  • You may not use the National Museum of Australia name or any derivative phrases (such as "nma", "nationalmuseum" or "nationalmuseumaustralia") in the hostname of your website or application.
  • The National Museum of Australia is constantly updating the data provided by the Collection API. For this reason, it is preferred that you make real-time calls to the Collection API. Where this is not possible, please take all reasonable steps to ensure the data is kept up-to-date and include a time stamp for when the data was last updated.
  • Access to the Collection API may sometimes be interrupted by server outage or technological problems. While the Museum will make reasonable efforts to ensure continuous online availability, the Museum does not take responsibility for any inconvenience or consequences arising from an inability to access the Collection API.
  • We reserve the right to turn off or modify the Collection API service at any time, without prior notice.
  • We reserve the right to block or cancel your access to the Collection API service without prior notice.
  • You must not use the Collection API or the National Museum of Australia‘s content in any manner that breaches any law, is obscene, culturally inappropriate, indecent, defamatory, racist, offensive, discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate.
  • The National Museum of Australia’s Collection API includes some information that is culturally sensitive, and we ask that you treat it with respect, and please contact us to seek permission to reproduce culturally sensitive material.
  • The National Museum of Australia reserves the right to extend or alter these terms and conditions at any time.
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