6 November 2022
National Museum of Australia welcomes the appointment of Ben Maguire as its new Council Chair
The National Museum of Australia is delighted by the appointment of current Council member Ben Maguire as the next Chair of the Museum Council and the appointment of Professor Clare Wright OAM as a Council member.

Ben Maguire has served with distinction on the Council for the past seven years and has been acting Chair since the resignation of Hon Warwick Smith AO in July 2022.
National Museum Director Dr Mathew Trinca welcomed the appointments and congratulated Mr Maguire and Professor Wright.
'Ben Maguire has been a wonderful Council member who has greatly assisted the Museum to develop its commercial acumen and the quality of its service to the public,' Dr Trinca said.
‘His appointment is a great testament to him personally and a huge vote of confidence in the Museum and what it has achieved over the past decade.
‘We are similarly delighted by the appointment of Professor Clare Wright, a highly regarded Australian historian, to serve on the Museum Council’.
Ben Maguire is an experienced non-executive Director and CEO with strategic leadership, change management and business development skills who has worked across Australia in the agriculture, transport, tourism, energy and hospitality sectors. He is the Director of Remount, a not-for-profit delivering horsemanship programs for veterans with PTSD, which he runs with his wife Marina. Mr Maguire is also a commissioned officer in the Royal Australian Navy.
Professor Clare Wright OAM is an award-winning historian, author, broadcaster and public commentator who has worked in politics, academia and the media. She is the author of four works of history, including the best-selling The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka and You Daughters of Freedom. She is currently Professor of History and Professor of Public Engagement at La Trobe University.
Media contact: Diana Streak 02 6208 5091 | 0409 888 976 or media@nma.gov.au
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