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23 October 2003

Morris Gleitzman, who has won the hearts of Australian young readers with his witty and often-irreverent tales, will make two appearances this week at the National Museum as part of its celebration of Children's Week.

He'll discuss his work in the Universal Children's Day public lecture given in honour of pioneering Australian children's book publisher Walter McVitty in the SAS Visions Theatre on Friday, 24 October at 6pm. Gleitzman promises to leave his adult audience (many of whom revert to children themselves when they pick up his books) chuckling!

Gleitzman will again talk about his life as a writer - this time to families and children - on Saturday, 25 October at 10am, also in the Visions Theatre. He will sign copies of his books at 11.30am on Saturday, outside the Museum shop.

'The world is a better and certainly more entertaining place since Morris Gleitzman turned to writing and thankfully gave up frozen-chicken defrosting,'says Denise Fowler, Children's Team Leader. 'His workshops at the Museum are always highly booked.'

Gleitzman is also a contributor to It's Alive! at the National Museum of Australia, an anthology inspired by the Museum and launched here on Monday.

WHAT: Public lectures by Morris Gleitzman

WHEN: Friday, 24 October at 6pm and Saturday, 25 October at 10am

WHERE: SAS Visions Theatre, National Museum

Bookings on 6208 5021 are essential. Cost: $10 , $7 conc, $20 per family.

Morris Gleitzman was born in England in 1953 and migrated to Australia in 1969 "so he could escape from school and become a Very Famous Writer". His colourful career includes being a paperboy, department store Santa Claus and frozen-chicken defroster. Among his many books which have won awards (or been shortlisted for them): Two Weeks With the Queen, Misery Guts, Blabber Mouth, Bumface, Toad Rage and Boy Overboard.

For more information, please contact Public Affairs Director Martin Portus on 02 6208 5351, 0409 916 481 or

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