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19 March 2003

ACT residents whose gardens have been damaged or lost through drought and January's bushfires will get free advice from a panel of experts at a National Museum forum next weekend.

The experts will offer tips on planning, regenerating and replanting and will answer specific questions from the audience.

The speakers are:

  • Alex Sloan and Mark Carmody, presenters of ABC Radio 666's Saturday morning Gardening Show
  • David Young, presenter of 2CC Radio's Saturday morning show David Young's Garden, and his Sunday morning show, Gardening
  • Dr Robert Boden, tree expert and former director of the Australian National Botanic Gardens
  • Catherine Keirnan, professional landscape architect, whose rural garden was burned in the recent fires
  • Paulene Cornish, horticulturalist at the Pialligo Plant Farm, whose home and urban garden were burned in the recent fires.

The forum is sponsored by the Friends of the National Museum of Australia and Australia's Open Garden Scheme.

'Canberra gardeners are faced with tough decisions about what to plant and how to bring back to life their dry backyard Edens,' says Carolyn Forster, president of the Friends of the NMA.

'This is a follow-on and a much needed one to our highly successful series of discussions on gardens at the Museum last year.'

The free forum Green Gardens Again!! will take place in the broadcast Studio at the National Museum on Saturday, 22 March, from 2 to 4pm.
For bookings, ring the Friends of the NMA on 6208 5048.
Afternoon tea will be served.

For more information please contact Sandy Forbes at the National Museum on 02 6208 5301 or 0408 679 308 or email

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