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The National Museum of Australia takes the lead role in researching, documenting and expressing the nation’s history.

We are committed to organisational excellence, and innovative and contemporary approaches that draw public attention to our work. Business priorities for 2014–15 were:

Business priorities
1.1 Lead public discussion about the ideas that matter in Australian life ACHIEVED:
  • Museum staff participated in a range of Australian Research Council (ARC) projects that involved working in partnership with educational institutions and community-based organisations in Australia and overseas.
    See Research and scholarship
1.2 Prepare the Museum for a world that is ‘living digitally’ ACHIEVED:
1.3 Connect with academic, social, commercial, physical and online communities ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum delivered seven temporary exhibitions and toured three travelling exhibitions.
    See Exhibition program
1.4 Establish meaningful and long-lived local, national and international partnerships ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum entered into memorandums of understanding in support of future exhibitions and professional exchanges with the Museum Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle du Havre, France; the National Museum of Singapore; the National Museum of China; and the National Museum and Art Gallery of Papua New Guinea.
    See Connecting with the community, Museum outreach

The Museum’s collection is a rich resource for explaining the forces that have formed modern Australia.

We affirm the value and diversity of the nation’s history and experience through our work as storytellers and custodians.

Business prioritiesReport
2.1 Bring the stories of Australia to life through innovative exhibitions and program ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum delivered a temporary and travelling exhibition program that included seven exhibitions on display at the Museum, and three national and international travelling exhibitions.
    See Permanent galleries
    See Exhibition program
2.2 Ensure our collections are safe and accessible, physically and digitally, for all time ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum delivered a documented Strategic Property Plan.
2.3 Develop the best ideas, research and scholarship to underpin our programs ACHIEVED:
  • Museum staff gave 14 research presentations at national and international academic and industry conferences and seminars on issues as diverse as climate change and environmental history.
    See Research and scholarship

2.4 Create online collections, information and access to enhance public engagement


The Museum puts audiences and visitors at the centre of all its work.

We commit to ongoing ‘two-way’ engagement with communities of interest outside our walls, and value their role, expertise and interest in our success.

Business prioritiesReport
3.1 Create participatory programs to engage people in meaningful dialogue ACHIEVED:
  • Successful one-off programs and series relating to particular demographics were held as part of a strategy to increase audience numbers and diversity.
    See Programs and events
3.2 Build relationships and engage with communities of interest related to our programs ACHIEVED:
  • Representatives from a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, grant recipients, students of cultural heritage management, researchers and diverse special-interest groups participated in collection tours and viewed relevant collection objects.
    See The collection, Making the collection accessible
3.3 Empower staff to promote our professional expertise to external interests ACHIEVED:
3.4 Act as a cultural hub to connect relevant community groups and interests ACHIEVED:

The Museum’s collection is a rich resource for explaining the forces that have formed modern Australia.

We affirm the value and diversity of the nation’s history and experience through our work as storytellers and custodians.

Business prioritiesReport
4.1 Create internal and external experiences at Acton that attract and involve audiences ACHIEVED:
  • Visitation to the Museum’s temporary and permanent exhibitions, and public programs, including remote digital programs, at Acton was 663,614.
    See Our visitors and audiences
  • Specialised programming linked to the Museum’s major temporary exhibitions broadened the audience base by appealing to special-interest groups and diverse age demographics.
    See Programs and events
4.2 Strengthen relationships with The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), the Australian National University (ANU), the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA), the National Capital Authority (NCA) and the NewActon precinct ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum worked with AIATSIS, ANU and NCA to develop a framework for the master site plan for the Acton Peninsula.
4.3 Develop community and recreational places inside and outside the Museum building ACHIEVED:
  • A 10-year Strategic Property Plan was developed and approved.
  • Scoping of design options to improve the Museum forecourt began.
  • External display of collection objects was included in site planning and forecourt work.
  • The revised spatial design for Kspace offered a bright and welcoming space for visitors.
    See Museum development: Kspace
4.4 Establish programs that connect the Museum and its site to Canberra city ACHIEVED:
  • The Museum actively participated in the City to the Lake project – one of Australia’s largest urban renewal projects.

A creative culture that seeks to exploit future opportunities requires efficient organisations and processes.

We are focused on maximising the potential of our people, assets and financial resources to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Business prioritiesReport
5.1 Streamline business processes and systems in a drive for organisational efficiency ACHIEVED:
5.2 Establish evaluation, benchmarking and evidence-based decision-making to plan and manage performance ACHIEVED:
5.3 Develop staff flexibility, agility and resilience to deal with future challenges ACHIEVED:
5.4 Increase own source income and manage our financial resources sustainably



5.5 Create a safe, open and collaborative environment that is a pleasure to work in ACHIEVED:
  • An online workplace inspection report was developed to assist in streamlining work health and safety (WHS) audits and inspections, resulting in a significant decline in WHS incidents over the last year.
    See Sustainability, Taking care of people

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