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The Museum’s cafe.
The Museum’s striking cafe, which won an ACT Architecture Award in June 2014

Moving forward

The National Museum of Australia’s strategic priorities aim to transform the Museum and position it for the next decade. They move the focus from inward looking to outward looking, and engage strongly with the nation’s diverse communities and traditions.

The strategic priorities seek to bring the Museum to the forefront of cultural life in the country, to a position of thought leadership in which contemporary Australia is understood in relation to its past and its future promise.

The strategic priorities are underpinned by the pursuit of excellence in every area of the Museum’s activity and deploy all of the internal resources available to the Museum responsibly and to maximum effect. They seek to establish fruitful partnerships to help the Museum grow its resources and reach wider audiences in Australia and globally.

The strategic priorities for 2013–14 were to:

  • build profile: the Museum is regarded as contemporary and relevant to Australians and the government
  • align people, culture and structure: the Museum has the capacity to drive its strategic intent
  • develop strategic partnerships: the Museum has a network of partners, sponsors and champions
  • implement new forms of delivery: the Museum has current and emerging technologies in place
  • raise sustainable revenue: the Museum has the capacity to invest in infrastructure.


A recognised world-class museum exploring Australia’s past, illuminating the present, imagining the future.


To promote an understanding of Australia’s history and an awareness of future possibilities by:

  • developing, preserving and exhibiting a significant collection
  • taking a leadership role in research and scholarship
  • engaging and providing access for audiences nationally and internationally
  • delivering innovative programs.

The Museum is working towards defining a new set of strategic priorities, vision and mission that will underpin its work over the next five years. These will be published in early 2014–15.


The National Museum of Australia operates with the highest ethical standards. It embraces truth and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake and recognises the importance of aesthetic considerations. The Museum acknowledges the contributions of all Australians to the country’s historical development and accepts a fundamental requirement for fairness and equity in its activities. In operating within the framework established by such values, the Museum:

  • develops and preserves the National Historical Collection
  • upholds scholarly and professional integrity
  • makes best use of its resources
  • values and is open-minded to new ideas
  • promotes continuous learning
  • strives to be innovative and creative
  • anticipates and responds to the needs of its diverse audience.
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