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The index below shows compliance with information requirements contained in the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 and in particular Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders 2011.

Audited financial statements CAC Act,
Schedule 1
Audited financial statements
Approval by directors Clause 6 Chair’s letter of transmittal
Enabling legislation12% Clause 10



Governance, Legislation

Responsible minister Clause 11 Chair’s letter of transmittal
Ministerial directions and other statutory requirements Clause 12 Governance, Internal and external scrutiny, Formal decisions/notifications/ministerial directions
Directors Clause 13

Governance, Legislation and Council and committees


Council and committees of the National Museum of Australia

Organisational structure Clause 14 Governance, National Museum of Australia organisation chart as at 30 June 2013
Statement on governance Clause 14



Council and committees of the National Museum of Australia

Key activities and changes affecting the authority Clause 16

Executive summary


Governance, Internal and external scrutiny, Significant events, judicial decisions and particulars of reports

Judicial decisions and reviews by outside bodies Clause 17

Governance, Internal and external scrutiny, Significant events, judicial decisions and particulars of reports

Indemnities and insurance premiums for officers Clause 19 Sustainability, Taking care of people, Indemnities and insurance
Index of annual report requirements Clause 21 Compliance index

While not required of statutory authorities, this report also selectively complies with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Requirements for Annual Reports.

Requirement Reference Page
Advertising and market research expenditure Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Section 311A Communicating with the community, Advertising and market research
Environmental performance and environmentally sustainable development Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Section 516A Sustainability, Taking care of our environment
Freedom of information Freedom of Information Act 1982 Freedom of information
Significant events Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Governance, Internal and external scrutiny, Significant events, judicial decisions and particulars of reports
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