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30 June 2014

1. Our commitment to diversity

Australia is home to the world’s oldest and continuous cultures, as well as people who identify with more than 270 ancestries. The National Museum of Australia (the Museum) strives to develop a workplace that is free from discrimination and favouritism. We value and respect all employees and the positive contributions that each employee makes towards enriching our workplace and the experience of our visitors.

The Museum seeks to foster, recruit and retain a diverse workforce that reflects and makes the best use of the diversity of the Australian community. We strive to achieve this through the development and implementation of specific strategies and, wherever possible, participating in whole of Australian Public Service (APS) recruitment programs.

2. What is diversity?

In the APS, workforce diversity and inclusion mean valuing and respecting all employees. Diversity includes differences in:

  • age
  • language
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • sexual orientation
  • cultural background
  • disability
  • religious beliefs
  • social and community responsibilities
  • caring and family responsibilities.

Workforce diversity also encompasses differences between individuals in educational level, life experience, work experience, socio-economic background and personality.

3. The importance of diversity

To have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the Australian community is an explicit recognition that diverse workforces drive innovation, creativity, problem-solving capabilities and individual and organisational productivity. A diverse workforce positions the Museum to better serve the government, the Australian community and international audiences.

4. The Diversity Action Plan

This Diversity Action Plan is the result of consultation with Museum staff and complies with the requirements of Chapter 3 of Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2013.

4.1 Aims

The Diversity Action Plan aims to ensure the Museum will:

  • celebrate and value diversity in everything we do
  • create a fair and respectful workplace culture
  • build and retain diverse capabilities and experiences.

4.2 Priorities

The priorities of this Diversity Action Plan are to:

  1. Increase staff awareness of diversity and encourage the adoption of inclusive behaviours in the workplace.
  2. Build capabilities and retain staff from diverse backgrounds.
  3. Wherever possible and appropriate, adopt recruitment strategies that support a diverse workforce.

4.3 Monitoring

The Director will develop performance indicators that will enable the Museum to evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of the Museum’s Diversity Action Plan. Results on the effectiveness and outcomes of the diversity program will be reported annually to the Australian Public Service Commission. The Executive Management Group will approve a proposed schedule of activities prior to the commencement of each financial year.

5. Actions

1. Establish a Diversity Working Group (DWG) to promote diversity in the Museum
Delivered by: 30 September 2014

Suggested strategies

Performance indicators


1.1 Cease operation of the Workplace Diversity Reference Group (WRDG) and the three subordinate working groups formed under the Workplace Diversity Plan 2009
  • The former WRDG and three subordinate working groups are abolished

Chief Operating Officer & Human Resources (HR)

1.2 Seek expressions of interest for staff representatives for a newly created Diversity Working Group (DWG) and appoint management representatives
  • Staff are invited to nominate for the DWG and management representatives are appointed by the Executive Management Group (EMG)


1.3 Appoint members to the DWG
  • DWG members are approved by EMG


1.4 The DWG to draft terms of reference for EMG approval
  • Terms of reference are drafted by the DWG and approved by EMG


1.5 Use the intranet, email and staff meetings to promote awareness of the DWG
  • intranet page established
  • email used to advise staff of establishment of the DWG and date of the first meeting; and
  • an annual all staff presentation on the work of the DWG is scheduled and delivered.

Web Publishing

2. Celebrate and value diversity in everything we do
Delivered by: 30 June 2018
Suggested Strategies Performance Indicators Responsibility
2.1 Create and maintain an informative Diversity webpage on the intranet.
  • intranet page established and updated quarterly
Web Publishing
2.2 Promote and/or celebrate a variety of workplace and community cultural events.
  • At least three cultural events promoted each year
2.3 Work collaboratively with other agencies to celebrate events such as NAIDOC Week, International Day of People with a Disability, Harmony Day and Indigenous Literacy Week.
  • Regular participation in or hosting of events such as NAIDOC Week
Learning Services & Community
2.4 Create an understanding of reasonable adjustment and universal design* principles
  • Managers and relevant staff (eg project managers) provided with training on the principles of reasonable adjustment and universal design*
2.5 Consider accessibility (reasonable adjustment and universal design principles) as part of business planning.
  • Templates and processes (eg project plans, capital bid documents, business case templates, ICT software and equipment proposals, building, furniture and equipment plans, contracts etc.) support the principles of reasonable adjustment and universal design*
Business Unit heads
2.6 Implement the principles of reasonable adjustment and universal design in all aspects of our work.
  • Number of requests for reasonable adjustment or universal design each financial year compared to successful outcomes; and
  • Number of funding applications made to JobAccess compared to successful outcomes (ie equipment, workplace modifications) each financial year.
Business Unit heads
Senior Managers

* Reasonable adjustments are changes or modifications to ensure people can participate in employment on an equal basis with others. Universal design means ensuring the physical environment; information and communications technology and workplace practices are accessible and usable for all people.

3. Create a fair and respectful workplace culture
Delivered by: 30 June 2018
Suggested strategies Performance indicators Responsibility
3.1 Promote the APS Values and Code of Conduct
  • Deliver online or workshop training for all staff on the APS Values and Code of Conduct
  • State of the Service Census responses reflect an improvement in satisfaction levels at the Museum in relation to bullying and harassment
Business unit managers
3.2 Develop guidance material for selection panel members on diversity issues (eg reasonable adjustment, cultural differences in communication styles). Promote awareness and understanding of unconscious bias.
  • Develop guidance material for selection panel members, approved by the DWG
  • Record the number of selection panel members receiving guidance material
3.3 Encourage continued use of alternate selection assessment methods, eg audio, video etc
  • Processes, such as addressing selection criteria and interviews, support the principles of reasonable adjustment and universal design,* with information included in selection guidelines
3.4 Promote awareness of the benefits of disclosure, reasonable adjustment and JobAccess funding for all staff
  • Disclosure of disability and Indigenous status in Employee Self Service compared with ACT labour force (employed and unemployed aged 15-64 years) percentage from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census data
Business unit managers

* Reasonable adjustments are changes or modifications to ensure people can participate in employment on an equal basis with others. Universal design means ensuring the physical environment; information and communications technology and workplace practices are accessible and usable for all people.

4. Build and retain diverse capabilities and experiences
Delivered by: 30 June 2018
Suggested strategies Performance indicators Responsibility
4.1 When recruiting to fill ongoing roles, apply the RecruitAbility scheme to the selection process
  • Nominate and train a contact officer for the RecruitAbility program
  • All selection processes to fill ongoing roles incorporate the RecruitAbility approach
Selection panel members
4.2 Where opportunities are available, participate in the APSC’s Indigenous Pathways to Employment program
  • Secure funding commitment to recruit two trainees for 2014-15 financial year through the Indigenous Pathways to Employment program
  • Review the success of the trainee program in 2015-16
  • Based on the review of the first year of the traineeship program, determine future approaches to recruiting Indigenous trainees/cadets/graduates
4.3 As part of workforce planning, identify roles which can be designated as identified positions (with specific selection criteria that signify the role has a strong involvement in issues relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) and which can be filled as special measures (identify
particular opportunities as open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants)
  • Identify key Museum teams, ie Visitor Services, Community Outreach, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander program
  • Workforce plan includes roles that can be designated as identified or special measures positions
  • Create meaningful career paths in at least two teams
Business unit managers
4.4 Establish internship and work experience opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds
  • Deliver and implement informative work programs for intern and work experience placements for each business unit
Business unit managers
4.5 Create learning and development opportunities for existing staff that could include staff exchange with other institutions, staff attending the Museums Australia conference or equivalent, and supporting staff to produce and deliver conference papers
  • At least six staff from diverse background supported to attend and/or present at public or industry forums such as special interest groups or conferences each financial year
  • Number of staff released for short-term exchange with other agencies based on merit and capability benefits to the Museum
Business unit managers
4.6 Establish or source mentorship programs for staff of diverse backgrounds eg Indigenous mentors
  • Invite staff to nominate to be a mentor
  • Deliver online or workshop training for mentors and mentees
4.7 Support managers to foster diversity by delivering performance management training to develop and make best use of staff capabilities
  • Managers provided with training to promote diversity within their team through performance management techniques
4.8 Promote and engage with internal and external support networks
  • Monitor growth of staff membership of and engagement with support networks through the annual State of the Service Report

6. References

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