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The National Museum of Australia is an equal employment opportunity workplace and values workplace diversity.

Jobs at the Museum

The Museum encourages applicants from different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to apply, and supports the use of flexible working arrangements. To be eligible to apply for vacancies, applicants must be an Australian citizen.

Explore other opportunities at the Museum

Temporary employment

Apply to join our temporary employment register for non-ongoing, short-term positions.


Apply for a placement if you’re a Museum professional or tertiary student from Australia or overseas.

Work experience

Learn more about applying to complete work experience at the Museum.


Apply to join our passionate team of volunteers as they help to enrich our activities and events.

Salary, benefits and conditions

The National Museum of Australia Enterprise Agreement sets out workplace arrangements for the Museum’s Australian Public Service employees.

The Museum’s Enterprise Agreement has a nominal expiry date of 27 February 2027.

Diversity and inclusion

The Museum is a proud member of Diversity Council Australia and is committed to workplace diversity and inclusion. The Museum is committed to building an inclusive and culturally diverse workforce. We welcome applications from across our community including Australian First Nations peoples, women, people with disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who identify as LGBTIQ+, mature aged employees and carers.

In general, positions at the Museum are described as ‘Identified positions’ to signify that our roles require an understanding of the issues affecting Australian First Nations peoples. Our staff also require the ability to communicate and engage respectfully, authentically and ethically with Australian First Nations peoples, businesses and communities to build trust and long-term relationships.

The Museum is also committed to ensuring a child-safe and child-friendly environment. All employees are expected to demonstrate a commitment to, and support for, these principles in theory and practice.

Workplace plans and procedures

See more of the the Museum’s policies and procedures in corporate information.

Contact us

For general recruitment queries please email or phone 02 6208 5094 during business hours. For specific vacancy queries please email or phone the contact officer listed on the position description for the advertised vacancy.

All applications for advertised vacancies must be submitted using the Museum’s Aurion online recruitment platform. If you have problems submitting your application please email your application to before the closing date and time.

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