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Material on this website is copyright and is intended for your general use and information. Your use of copyright material is subject to this copyright notice and to this website’s Conditions of use, which can be accessed from the footer of all the main pages of the website.

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The Museum does not own the copyright in all the material on this website. However, we generally own the copyright in website content that the Museum has developed, and you may use that material subject to this copyright notice.

Unless otherwise indicated (in this copyright notice or in relation to particular material on this website) you may copy, distribute, display, download or print the material on this website for your own personal use, for non-commercial educational purposes or for non-commercial use within your organisation, provided that you attribute the National Museum of Australia.

Some images on Collection Explorer can be downloaded and used under a Creative Commons license or because the images are in the public domain. All other images cannot be used without permission.

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The Museum reserves the right to refuse to license or to limit any use of any licensed material.

Contact us

Access and Permissions
National Museum of Australia
GPO Box 1901, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia


All photography on this website is by George Serras, Jason McCarthy, Glen Goodwin, Katie Shanahan, Lannon Harley, Brendan Bell, Dragi Markovic, Dean McNicoll, John Gollings and Richard Poulton, unless otherwise stated.

Photographer's names and copyright details are credited on this website in the full image caption, which is shown when images are enlarged.

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This notice does not authorise you to copy material which is owned by someone other than the Museum. Such material will usually be identified as being sourced from a third party or by its own copyright notice.

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